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our philosophy

what inspires us

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“No matter how bad it seems, and how alone you may feel it doesn’t stay that way. I’ve been knocked down many times and it’s not always easy to see the light at the end of the tunnel but it truly does get better.  Just don’t give up, fight like the warrior you are.” – […]

Body Love Project – Courageous Miss D

July 15, 2021


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“If I could go back and tell 18 year old me one thing, I would say “don’t hold yourself back”. Do the things you want to do – and not because people are telling you what to do, and what not to do.” Courageous Miss A is one of our amazing active duty Air Force […]

Body Love Project – Courageous Miss A

May 31, 2021


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This courageous lady “Miss L”, was my nanny, of all things, many moons ago! It’s been so cool to stay connected online, and watch as she started her own family! We started talking boudoir back in March, so finally getting to come into the studio for a session together was so much fun! Something about […]

Gorgeous Miss L

August 18, 2020


Boise Boudoir Photographer

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“To be pregnant is to be vitally alive, thoroughly woman, and undoubtedly inhabited.” Anne Buchanan & Debra Klingsporn Miss C and I started chatting about a session back in the spring, only to have our plans shift with those two beautiful pink lines, and shortly after, the covid shutdown. I was SO thrilled when we […]

Miss C Maternity Boudoir Session

August 13, 2020
